This site serves as an archive of Nance BroderZen's fine art. Her literary site is linked above.
Much as Nance loves painting with oils, she suffered sixteen years of nocturnal tonic-clonic seizures, beginning in 1996, which stopped her in the midst of her quest to find gallery representation.
Gradually, she learned via holistic wisdom that heavy-metal toxicity from oil paint co-mingled with environmental toxins in food, water, and air to throw her over this horrifying edge. Western medicine had no clue, and their attempt at SSRI control threw her into black-box suicide ideation, so her neurologist dumped her and she had to endure constant onslaughts of Hell-on-Earth.
A born creative, Nance searched for another medium. Unfortunately, acrylic-paint fumes also triggered seizures, so she began to play with colored pencil and watercolor -- mediums which she found quite tedious to work with, albeit, she does enjoy the results. All this threw her back into her first love, writing.
Nance wrote and performed spoken-word in the downtown art scene of Los Angeles for over a decade, and embarked on a living-art-performance as ambassador for the serpent, ancient symbol of the Great Cosmic Mother. Nance also embarked on a living-art-performance of writing a haiku-a-day for over seven years, while she threw herself into writing her first novel, then wrote several screen plays, and most recently, wrote another novel.
Meanwhile, Nance saved up day-job money to get the mercury out of her teeth, then chelate the destructive heavy metals out of her brain and body (with a holistic DC's guidance -- a slow and arduous process). The seizures stopped after less then two years of chelation, but harsh chelation side-effects moved her into a less aggressive, natural chelation switch to a raw plant-based diet.
Now over-a-decade seizure-free, she expands her diet as she expands her body of fine-art and writing. Nance even risked a return to her love of oil on canvas, to paint the Picasso's Ghost series (outdoors and well ventilated), after writing the script during covid lock-down.
In 2022, Nance left her L.A. home for Florida, to assist her elderly mother's transition across the veil. She'll reside there until the estate is taken care of. Then it's back to mountain country (she misses it terribly), or maybe somewhere new and exciting. Any ideas? The sky's the limit, right?

Recent spoken-word performance at Moe Auditorium, Center for the Arts Bonita Springs, FL

Spoken Word radio debut (with royal python, Draco) on KXLU 88.9 FM, Mystic Pete Show, July/2012